Changes eff Fall 2024
Equipment Rules
Game Rules
Equipment Rules
- Helmets must be worn when batting and running bases, and must have either a Full Face Guard or a C-Flap.
- Bats: a USSSA or USA stamped bat is allowed. This includes 2 1/4", 2 5/8", and 2 3/4" barrel size bats.
- BBCOR (-3) bats are NOT allowed.
- Composite bats are NOT allowed for 12+ age players.
- Male Catchers must wear a protective cup when in the catching position. Optional but recommended for Female Catchers.
Game Rules
- Continuous batting order must be used in all divisions (all eligible players on the roster present at the game must bat). You may have free substitution of players in the field, except you may not put a pitcher back in the game, at the pitcher position, after another pitcher has pitched. Late arrivals must assume the last position in the batting order provided no one has batted twice.
- Teams may use a courtesy runner for the current pitcher and catcher (not prospective) at any time, but it is mandatory to substitute for the catcher in the case of 2 outs. The courtesy runner must be the player that recorded the last out.....when there are 2 outs and the catcher gets ON BASE, he must be replaced with the player who made the last (2nd) out. This allows the catcher to go in the dugout and get suited up with catchers gear ready to play defense.
- Each player must play a minimum of 2 innings per game. If the minimum required play time is not met the game will result in a forfeit.
- Maximum of 4 non-player personnel per team inside the fenced area at any time. This includes siblings, friends, adults, and coaches.
- On Defense: All non-player personnel should be in the dugout or standing on the concrete pad outside the dugout. No adults should be near the offensive base coaches area.
- On Offense: The first and third base coaches are allowed only in the coach’s boxes, as well as one batting team coach to collect the bat after a player hits. All others should be in the dugout or standing on the concrete pad outside the dugout.
- Any coach entering the field for any reason, other than when time is requested (and granted) by the umpires may be removed from the game.
- Coaches will be allowed to warm-up pitchers, at any time, before or during a game and in between innings.
- There is no limit to the number of innings a player can play the position of catcher. (A player who catches for any number of innings can still pitch, subject only to the pitching rules.)
- The infield fly rule is in effect, and will be decided and called by the Umpire.
- Open Base Running – Once a pitcher establishes position on the mound:
- Minor Division: a runner can lead off and attempt to steal from 1st, 2nd, or 3rd base, only once the pitcher makes a motion to pitch to release the ball, but is at risk to be touched by a defensive player with the ball, or thrown out by the pitcher throwing the ball to a defensive player, for an out if not on base.
- Major Division: a runner can lead off 1st, 2nd, or 3rd base, and can steal to the next base at any time, but is at risk to be touched by a defensive player with the ball, or thrown out by the pitcher throwing the ball to a defensive player, for an out if not on base.
- Balks will be called in both Minor and Major divisions. Umpires will educate the Pitcher on what they did wrong.
- Minor Division: Runners will not advance.
- (Effective starting Fall 2024) Major Division: Each team will get 1 warning per game. After the 1 warning, Runners will be allowed to advance one base.
- Stealing to home on a passed ball is allowed.
- A maximum five run rule per inning is in effect for all divisions; however, in the case of an over-the fence Home Run, all runs count.
- Game balls are provided in the coaches equipment bag.
- Managers and Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and spectators. Umpires have the option of removing any manager, coach, player, or spectator. Anyone ejected from a game must either leave the park entirely or remain in the parking lot for the remainder of that game and the next game.
- Line-up cards may be provided to the home plate umpire, opposing team, and to the scorekeeper upon request.
- There is NO infield warm-up before game time starts. Warm-ups should be in the outfield.
- All teams must be ready to play at game time or the late team will forfeit the game, unless a delay is agreed upon by both coaches.
- Only players listed on the official team roster will be eligible to play, and must be registered in Shadow Creek Baseball, unless approved by the opposing coach or the Director.
- Overthrow Rule: no longer applicable in our Kid Pitch Division.
- Official Game time will be 1 hour and 30 minutes. If there is time remaining on the clock when the 3rd out is called, another inning will start. The umpire is the official time keeper, and will determine and advise when time has expired. The coaches can at any time request time remaining from the Umpire. At the end of 1:30...
...if home team is batting and ahead in score, game over; or
...if home team is batting and behind in score by 8 or less runs, they can finish the inning then game over; or
...if visitor is batting, game time will be extended to allow visitor to finish and home team (if behind by 8 or less runs) to have last bat for that inning, then game over. - 10-Run “Mercy” rule: After 4 innings, if one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs may concede the victory to the opponent. NOTE:(1) If the visiting team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. However, the game can continue to the full official time of 1 hour and 30 minutes, and the manager of the leading team will put less-skilled players in new positions (infield, pitcher, etc) they wouldn't usually play, to give them learning opportunities.
- Dead Ball: If a ball goes into the stands; into a dugout; bounces over, under, or through a field fence or a scoreboard; or remains in the meshes of a wire screen - the ball is dead. Each runner including the batter-runner may, without liability to be put out, advance 2 bases. The umpire, in awarding such bases, shall be governed by the position of the runners at the time the ball was determined to be a dead ball.
- Dropped 3rd Strike Rule: The dropped third strike rule does apply in our League as follows: A batter is out when a third strike is caught by the catcher (passed ball is by definition ‘not caught’). A batter may run to first base on a third strike, only if the batter strikes out swinging, and the catcher does not catch the pitch before it hits the ground, and there is no runner on first base.
- Fielding - Number of Players:
- Minor division: All 6 infield and 4 outfield positions should be played by the fielding team. If the batting team has 9 or fewer players, the fielding team may choose to only play 3 in the outfield, but are not required to do so.
- Major division: All 6 infield and 3 outfield positions should be played by the fielding team.
- Batting – Number of Players: If a batting team only has 8 players, they are not required to take an out in the 9th batting position.
- Intentional collisions are not allowed by runners or base players (called at umpire's discretion).
- (Effective starting Fall 2024) Mound Visits: Teams are only allowed 1 free mound visit from the dugout or by a Coach per inning for each pitcher. If a 2nd visit is made to the same pitcher in the same inning, the Coach must change pitchers. The pitcher may not re-enter the game as pitcher.
Pitching Rules
Note: Some leagues maintain Pitch Count during games; however, in our league, pitchers will not usually be playing multiple games per week, so the maximum pitch count rules and days of rest do not apply. In the case of a team who is scheduled to play 2 games in a week, each coach has a duty to their players to take into consideration the health and welfare of their pitchers, and ensure they monitor pitch count and rest. Standard Pitch count guidelines to consider: 76+ pitches – 4 days rest; 61-75 pitches – 3 days rest; 46-60 pitches – 2 days rest; 31-45 pitches – 1 days rest; 1-30 pitches – 0 days rest. We strongly recommended to use at least 2 pitchers per game, and a 3rd pitcher is needed just in case your back up is not at the game. It is recommended for coaches to train as many pitchers as possible on the team, to prepare for a Post-season tournament.
Note: Some leagues maintain Pitch Count during games; however, in our league, pitchers will not usually be playing multiple games per week, so the maximum pitch count rules and days of rest do not apply. In the case of a team who is scheduled to play 2 games in a week, each coach has a duty to their players to take into consideration the health and welfare of their pitchers, and ensure they monitor pitch count and rest. Standard Pitch count guidelines to consider: 76+ pitches – 4 days rest; 61-75 pitches – 3 days rest; 46-60 pitches – 2 days rest; 31-45 pitches – 1 days rest; 1-30 pitches – 0 days rest. We strongly recommended to use at least 2 pitchers per game, and a 3rd pitcher is needed just in case your back up is not at the game. It is recommended for coaches to train as many pitchers as possible on the team, to prepare for a Post-season tournament.